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I Like Remodel @ The Walker Gallery

For this project, I would like to create something to do with families and memories. So far I have been looking through my own memories of family and asking people about their thoughts on their family and what family is to them. I will be looking at the idea of tangled thoughts and patchy memories through a series of paintings and dada poetry pieces. The paintings I am thinking about doing, I am thinking about doing then on a calico type material or aida material, these paintings will be done in watercolour and based on my own family but they will be faceless so they can connect to anyone and this also will get the audience questioning about the emotions of the piece  . I will also be adding a bit of textiles to these paintings using the threads for the idea of tangled thoughts. The dada poetry will be based on the responses I get from social media about peoples thoughts on family, making these responses into dada poems will show the idea of confusion and memories getting missed up. 


noun: family; plural noun: families
1.    1.
a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit.
"she moved in with her boyfriend's family"
household, ménage; 
nuclear family; 
"growing up in the bosom of one's family"
o    a group of people related by blood or marriage.
"friends and family can provide support"
relatives, relations, blood relations, family members, kin, next of kin, kinsfolk, kinsmen, kinswomen, kindred, one's (own) flesh and blood, connections; 
extended family; 
clan, tribe; 
informalfam, folks, nearest and dearest; 
"I wanted to meet his family"
o    the children of a person or couple being discussed.
"she has the sole responsibility for a large family"
children, little ones, youngsters; 
offspring, progeny, descendants, scions, heirs;
informalkids, kiddies, kiddiewinks, tots, sprogs, quiverful; 
"she is married with a family"
o    informal
a local organizational unit of the Mafia or other large criminal group.
2.    2.
all the descendants of a common ancestor.
"the house has been owned by the same family for 300 years"
ancestry, parentage, birth, pedigree, genealogy, background, family tree, descent, lineage, line, line of descent, bloodline, blood, extraction, derivation, race, strain, stock, breed; 
dynasty, house; 
forebears, forefathers, antecedents, progenitors, roots, origins; 
rarefiliation, stirps
"a prospective husband must come from the right kind of family"
o    a group of peoples from a common stock.
3.    3.
a group of related things.
"all manuscripts that share this reading constitute a family"
a principal taxonomic category that ranks above genus and below order, usually ending in -idae(in zoology) or -aceae (in botany).
"the cabbage family"
taxonomic group, group, order, class, subclass, genus, species; 
stock, strain, line;
technicaltaxon, phylum
"a member of the weaver bird family"
o    all the languages ultimately derived from a particular early language, regarded as a group.
"the Austronesian language family"
a group of curves or surfaces obtained by varying the value of a constant in the equation generating them.
adjective: family
1.    1.
designed to be suitable for children as well as adults.
"a family newspaper"


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