For this project, I decided to carry on with the "fail" project and looked more carefully in to the word fail. I carried on with the technique I was using with in the fail project looking at patchy memories and tangled thoughts and emotion. I really enjoyed this project because I worked in the way I like to work with all materials spread out around me and producing work at quiet a fast pace. For my final piece for this project, I decided to work with thread, emulation, acrylic and charcoal on a big piece of calico. I took this piece out of my A6 sketchbook and increased the size by 20x roughly. I didn't really think about time when I was doing this piece because I was just having fun with it and getting carried away until it came to making the thread thicker which ended up taking about 5 rolls of black thread because I wanted to make the piece similar to the piece in my book. The task...